Lukehurst furniture shop required a much-needed facelift to attract local customers and ensure the building was suitable to host the family business for years to come. Working with Apex Façades Ltd and James Hardie, this became a reality. As a well-known fitter of Hardie® products, Apex Facades knew that there was a safe and affordable solution available for this project. Apex worked with the owner of the business, providing our free to order samples to help them decide which product and colour scheme most suited their style and brand. 

Project size: 700m²
New construction site or renovation: Renovation
Type of project: Furniture Store
Name of the specifier: Apex Facades
Product installed: Hardie® Panel
Colour: Arctic White

Specifiers comment: “We’ve fitted over 5000 m² of James Hardie products and this project is another demonstration of their innovative products. It’s important that the products we use are safe for our clients and are backed by a suitable warranty, that’s what we get with James Hardie. We always have peace of mind knowing that they are a great company to deal with and meet our deadlines. If we need technical support, then there is a team on hand to provide timely and efficient information to ensure we keep on track. There is no doubt we will be using this product again soon.”

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